3,301 to 3,310 of 3,484 Results
Feb 19, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Hidayat, Syamsul, 2018, "Inventarisasi Alternatif Bahan Pangan Pokok Dari Hutan Sebagai Langkah Rediversifikasi Pangan dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Hayati Secara Berkelanjutan", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/UUUVWD, RIN Dataverse, V1
Lack of food is an issue from time to time in the history of human life. Forests have played an important role in the availability of food for humans so far. There are a lot of plants as source of food. Inventory of forest vegetation as food resources is done through some surveye... |
Feb 19, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Hidayat, Syamsul; Astuti, Inggit Puji, 2018, "Potensi Koleksi Cauliflora di Kebun Raya Bogor", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/Y3V9F9, RIN Dataverse, V1
Cauliflora is a botanical term referring to plants which flower and fruit from their main stems or woody trunks rather than from new growth and shoots. Some trees might have become cauliflorous because they produce large, heavy fruits which would be difficult to support on the br... |
Feb 18, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Junaedi, D.I.; Dodo, 2018, "Exotic Plants of Halimun Salak Corridor: Micro-Environment, Detection and Risk Analysis of Invasive Plants", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/Z9J4OO, RIN Dataverse, V1
Various potential medicinal plants are used by ethnic groups in Indonesia, one of which is kemaitan or sanrego (Lunasia amara Blanco.) kemaitan is a tropical plant which is native to Asia and Australasia. Bark, leaves, and seeds are used as herbal medicine. So far, there has not... |
Feb 18, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Astuti, Inggit Puji; Rugayah; Susandarini, Ratna; Purnomo, 2018, "The Genus Murraya (Rutaceae) in Java", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/H5F9WM, RIN Dataverse, V1
Marga Murraya terdiri dari 11 jenis di dunia. Berdasarkan spesimen yang disimpan di Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) dan tanaman koleksi hidup di Kebun Raya Bogor, Cibodas, Purwodadi dan Bali serta tanaman hidup di Bogor, Yogyakarta, Purwodadi dan Malang, diketahui ada empat jenis Murra... |
Feb 18, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Dodo, 2018, "Potensi dan Konservasi Plajau (Pentaspadon Motleyi Hook.F.)", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/CMEQDA, RIN Dataverse, V1
Pentaspadon motleyi Hook.f. or plajau is a species of Anacardiaceae that can be used as food crop, medicinal plants, and building material. Local people harvest the plant from the wild forest without any cultivation effort. World Conservation Monitoring Centre stated that categor... |
Feb 18, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Dodo, 2018, "Keanekaragaman dan Konservasi Tumbuhan Buah Langka Indonesia", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/FCIIYQ, RIN Dataverse, V1
Southeast Asia has about 400 species edible fresh fruits and 329 (about 75 persen) species are found in Indonesia, 226 species of them are native to Indonesia. There are 31 (about 14 persen) species of fruit plants native to Indonesia are classified as rare category. Mangifera is... |
Feb 18, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Cahyaningsih, Ria; Hartutiningsih, 2018, "Upaya Memperoleh Bibit Suweg (Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) Melalui Stek Umbi dan Stek Rachis yang Dimanipulasi dengan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/CG14QF, RIN Dataverse, V1
Suweg (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan pangan alternatif Indonesia. Hambatan dalam pengembangannya adalah upaya perbanyakannya, yaitu sulit menentukan lama dormansi umbi dan lambatnya siklus tumbuh. Penelitian ini bertu... |
Feb 18, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Yuzammi; Siregar, Mustaid; Witono, Joko Ridho; Sahromi, 2018, "Nutrition Properties And The Prospect Of Six Amorphophallus Species Of Tubers In Java", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/TORWAY, RIN Dataverse, V1
Amorphophallus is perennial tuber crop and a member of the Araceae family. There are eight species of Amorphophallus in Java, i.e. Amorphophallus annulifer Hett., A. decus-silvae Backer & Alderw., A. discophorus Backer & Alwerw., A. muelleri Blume, A. paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nico... |
Feb 18, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Witono, Joko Ridho; Kusuma, Yayan Wahyu Candra; Naiola, Beth Paul; Jamal, Yuliasri; Agusta, Andria, 2018, "Gewang (Corypha Utan Lam.) As Local Food In Timor Island And Nutritional Properties", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/HKFFP2, RIN Dataverse, V1
Gewang (Corypha utan Lam.) is a palm species which grows in the dry land and is distributed from North-east India to North Australia. Almost the whole part of that species has been utilized by Timor Island villagers for daily needs such as building construction, handicraft, anima... |
Feb 18, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Tihurua, Eka Fatmawari; Astuti, Inggit Puji; Rugayah, 2018, "Anatomi Helaian Daun Murraya spp (Rutaceae) di Jawa", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/PVBCRZ, RIN Dataverse, V1
Pengamatan terhadap anatomi helaian daun empat jenis Murraya (Rutaceae) telah dilakukan guna mencari karakter anatomi yang dapat dijadikan data pendukung yang baik untuk mengklasifikasikan. Daun Murraya spp bertipe dorsiventral. Dinding antiklinal sel epidermis lurus - bergelomba... |