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16,531 to 16,540 of 16,810 Results
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Astuti, Inggit Puji; Sari, Rismita, 2018, "Distribution of Sarcotheca spp. in Indonesia.",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Sarcotheca is one of the genus Oxalidaceae that spread in West Malesia (Sumatera, Borneo, Malaya and Sulawesi). According to the data of herbarium collection in the Herbarium Bogoriense here are 8 species out of 11 species (73,73 %) exist in Indonesia. It shows that Indonesian re...
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Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Astuti, Inggit Puji; Purnomo, R. Susandarini; Holford, Paul, 2018, "Heterophylly in Murraya exotica L. (Rutaceae)",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Heterophylly, the existence of different leaf types and shapes on the same plant was observed in Murraya exotica populations from different location in Java, Indonesia. In each population, three types of compound leaves (paripinnate, imparipinnate and intermediate) and three type...
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Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Dodo; Isnaini, Yupi, 2018, "Regenerasi Heritiera percoriaceae Kosterm. di Kebun Raya Bogor",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Heritiera percoriaceae Kosterm has an endangered category in IUCN red list. This species is known only from Ujung Kulon and Sukawayana, a remnant forest near Pelabuhan Ratu. The Ujung Kulon population occurs in a national park but continues to be threatened by illegal logging, fu...
Feb 16, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Sudarmono; B. J. Conn, 2018, "Scutellaria Slametensis (Lamiaceae), A New Species From Central Java, Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V1
The new species Scutellaria slametensis Sudarmono and B.J.Conn (Lamiaceae) from Gunung Slamet, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia is here described and illustrated. This species is morphologically similar to S. javanica, but can be distinguished by its pale blue corollas (cf. dark purple in...
Feb 16, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Agustin, Elly Kristiati; Aprillanti, Popi, 2018, "Pengaruh pemakaian hormon tumbuh GA3 (Giberelinacid) terhadap perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan biji Verschaffeltia splendida H.A. Wendl.",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Verschaffeltia splendida HA Wendi is the only species of genus Verschaffeltia. It belongs to the family of Arecaceae. This species has an economic value as an ornamental plant, but its growth is very slow and the seed is difficult to germinate. The aim of this research was to stu...
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