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471 to 480 of 16,810 Results
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Several plants from Moyo Island that survived in Purwodadi Botanic Garden nursery. A. Tacca palmata, B. Amorphophallus paenofolious, C. Polyalthia sp., D. Dioscorea hispida, E. Adenanthera sp., F. Aglaia argentea, G. Clerodendrum chinense, H. Tacca leontopetaloides, I. Cissus j...
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Orchid from Moyo Island in the nursery at Purwodadi Botanic Garden. A. Pteroceras javanica only survive for two months. B. Malaxis latifolia, C. Nervilia aragoana, D. Calanthe triplicata, E. Vanda limbata
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Survival percentage of plant collection from Moyo Island
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Environmental factors condition of acclimatization in Purwodadi Botanic Garden and Moyo Island
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List of plant collection that were not able to adapt in Purwodadi Botanic Garden
Nov 25, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Suryono, Tri; Sunanisari, Senny; Mulyana, Endang; Rosidah, 2018, "Tingkat Kesuburan Dan Pencemaran Danau Limboto, Gorontalo",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Danau Limboto berperan sangat penting dalam pengendalian keseimbangan air di sekitar wilayah DAS Danau Limboto pada musim kemarau maupun musim penghujan. Fungsi danau saat ini sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan peruntukannya, karena telah terjadi proses percepatan pendangkalan dan pe...
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Gambar 2. Lokasi pengambilan sampel air di Danau Limboto, (Sumber: Lab. GIS Puslit Limnologi-LIPI).
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Tabel 1. Kondisi lokasi pengambilan sampel air.
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Tabel 2. Konsentrasi hasil análisis parameter-parameter untuk perhitungan TSI CARLSON (1977) dan Indeks Pencemaran KIRCHOFF (1991).
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Tabel 3. Nilai TSI fosfor, TSI klorofil-a, dan TSI Secchi disk di Danau Limboto, September 2006
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