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531 to 540 of 16,810 Results
JPEG Image - 52.0 KB - MD5: 97f065558225840dd094dfd9a0785220
Table 1. Fitting parameters of polycrystalline La0.7(Ba1-xCax)0.3MnO3.
Nov 22, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Herbirowo, Satrio; Sofyan, Nofrijon; Saragih, Risuliniko; Imaduddin, Agung; Hendrik; Sebleku, Pius; Yuwono, Akhmad Herman, 2018, "Properties of carbon nanotubes-doped Fe-sheath MgB2 for superconducting wires",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Magnesium diboride (MgB2) is a potential superconductor materials that could be applied as superconducting wires due to its relatively high critical temperature. To study the influence of carbon nanotubes (CNT) on MgB2 wire manufacture, CNT-doped MgB2 superconducting wires have b...
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FIGURE 2. Analysis of sample surface of 10 wt.% (a) and 20 wt.% (b) CNT-doped MgB2 using SEM
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FIGURE 3. Analysis of EDX mapping surface of 10 wt.% CNT-doped MgB2
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FIGURE 4. Analysis of EDX mapping surface of 20 wt.% CNT-doped MgB2
Nov 22, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Herbirowo, Satrio; Imaduddin, Agung; Sofyan, Nofrijon; Yuwono, Akhmad Herman, 2018, "Ex-Situ Manufacturing of SiC doped MgB2 used for superconducting wire in medical device aplication",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Magnesium diboride (MgB2) is a superconductor material with a relatively high critical temperature. Due to its relatively high critical temperature, this material is promising and has the potential to replace Nb3Sn for wire superconducting used in many medical devices. In this wo...
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