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731 to 740 of 3,484 Results
Sep 14, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Dewi, Kartika; Hasegawa, Hideo; Asakawa, Mitsuhiko, 2018, "A Review Of The Genus Syphacia (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) From Murine Rodents In Southeast Asia To Australia With Special References To Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V2
The pinworms of the genus Syphacia are of special interest because they have coevolutionary relationships with their murine rodent hosts. From Southeast Asia to Australia, 21 species in four subgenera have been recorded, two species of these are endemic to Sulawesi. Their biogeog...
Sep 14, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Rugebregt, Marsya J., 2018, "Kualitas Air Perairan Tayando Yamtel Ditinjau Dari Aspek Kimia Hara Dan Fisika Oseanografi",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Mariculture activity had been failure caused by diseases and water pollution. Water quality especially nutrient and physical oceanographic factors can enhance production of fisheries and mariculture, and therefore research on apropriate site selection for cultivan must be conduct...
Sep 14, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Nasution, Syahroma Husni, 2018, "Biodiversity of Caridina sp. as Ornamental Shrimp an Economic Alternative for People Around Ancient Lake (Lake Towuti), South Sulawesi-Indonesia",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Lake Towuti is a tectonic-oligotrophic located in Malili Complex, South Sulawesi and has been designated as a recreation park. This lake is one of the ancient lakes in Sulawesi. This lake supports a life of endemic species like shrimp. Shrimp in the lake commonly as ornamental sh...
Sep 14, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Haryani, Gadis Sri; Nasution, Syahroma Husni, 2018, "Kondisi Gonad Ikan Pelangi Merah Glossolepis Incisus di Danau Sentani, Papua",, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:G2gETZ1QPZd5phzLLfBNgw== [fileUNF]
Ikan pelangi merah Glossolepis incisus adalah ikan hias berwarna kuning kemerahan yang merupakan ikan asli yang hidup di Danau Sentani. Penelitian kondisi gonad ikan pelangi merah telah dilakukan pada bulan April 2014. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji perkembangan gonad ikan pelang...
Sep 13, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Triandiza, Teddy; Kusnadi, Agus, 2018, "Study Embriogenesis dan Perkembangan larva Lola (Trochus niloticus)",, RIN Dataverse, V2
This research is aimed to describe studi on embryogenesis and larva development of top shell by direct observation spawning eggs at UPT Loka Konservasi Biota Laut, Tual. Embryogenesis lasted 9 to 10 hours at 28oC. Trochophore was developed to veliger with statocyst after 36-72 ho...
Sep 13, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Nasution, Syahroma Husni; Haryani, Gadis Sri, 2018, "Komunitas Ikan Danau Sentani, Papua",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Danau Sentani terletak di bagian utara Provinsi Papua. Kawasan danau merupakan bagian dari kawasan lindung yang mencakup Kawasan Danau dan Cagar Alam Pegunungan Cyclops. Keanekaragaman ikan air tawar di Indonesia tertinggi kedua setelah Brazil. Di perairan ini diperkirakan jumlah...
Sep 13, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Hernawan, Udhi E., 2018, "Study on Giant Clams (Cardiidae) Population in Kei Kecil Waters, Southeast-Maluku",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan kepadatan jenis, distribusi ukuran, serta kondisi habitat kima pada sembilan lokasi, yaitu Pulau Ohoimas, Dullah, Naam, Laguna Hoat, Pasir Panjang, Ohoidertawun, Teluk Un, dan Tandusan, di perairan Kei Kecil. Pengambilan dat...
Sep 13, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Mamangkey, Jefry Jack; Nasution, Syahroma Husni, 2018, "Konservasi Habitat Melalui Struktur Populasi Ikan Payangka (Ophieleotris aporos) di Danau Tondano Sulawesi Utara",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Konsevasi habitat merupakan salah satu faktor penting untuk mengatasi penurunan populasi ikan maupun keanekaragaman hayati. Saat ini banyak spesies yang populasinya di alam telah berada dalam kondisi kritis. Salah satunya adalah Ikan Payangka yang sudah lama mendiami perairan Dan...
Sep 13, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Nasution, Syahroma H.; Sulastri, Sulastri; Muchlisin, Zainal A., 2018, "Habitat Characteristics of Lake Towuti, South Sulawesi, Indonesia-The Home of Endemic Fishes",, RIN Dataverse, V2
The aim of this study was to examine the habitat characteristic features of Lake Towuti, a home for several endemic fish species. The sampling was conducted from June to October 2009 at seven sampling locations in the Lake Towuti, namely Tominanga, Manu Cape, Loeha Island, Hola-h...
Sep 13, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Ratnakomala, Shanti; Lisdiyanti, Puspita; Prayitno, Nita R; Lestari, Yulin; Triana, Evi; Hastuti, Ratih D; Otoguro, Misa; Widyastuti, Yantyati; Ando, Katsuhiko; Sukara, Endang, 2018, "Diversity of Streptomyces from Eka Karya Botanical Garden, Bali",, RIN Dataverse, V2
A total of 229 strains of actinomycetes were isolated and identified by full sequence of 16S rRNA gene analysis. Samples consisted of 18 soil and 20 leaf-litter were collected from Eka Karya Botanical Garden, Bali Island, Indonesia. Two isolation methods, i.e. SDS-Yeast Extract (...
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