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621 to 630 of 16,810 Results
PNG Image - 17.0 KB - MD5: fd2defb4dd624a5adf4e2fc547354283
Produksi biomassa Pakcoy dan laju penyerapan logam berat Cu
Nov 21, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Anwar, M. S.; Prifiharni, S.; Mabruri, Efendi, 2018, "Optimizing Heat Treatment Process of Fe-13Cr-3Mo-3Ni Martensitic Stainless of Steel",, RIN Dataverse, V2
The Fe-13Cr-3Mo-3Ni stainless steels are modified into martensitic stainless steelsfor steam turbine blades application. The working temperature of steam turbine was around600 – 700 °C. The improvement properties of turbine blade material is necessary to maintainsteam turbine wor...
JPEG Image - 79.6 KB - MD5: 024acb733a5eed5a2a7f00339fc09e82
Figure 1. Microstructure of Fe-13Cr-3Mo-3Ni austenitizing at (a) 1000 °C, (b) 1050 °C, (c) 1100 °C followed by tempering at 600 °C, in magnification of 200X
JPEG Image - 87.0 KB - MD5: 2a93c5b2b516703dba42d57f1d3dd489
Figure 2. The microstructure of Fe-13Cr-3Mo- 3Ni austenitizing at (a) 1000 °C, (b) 1050 °C, (c) 1100 °C followed by tempering at 650 °C, in magnification of 200X
JPEG Image - 81.6 KB - MD5: 9d5b57ab52eb4a82c7de10f42f5336a8
Figure 3. Microstructure of Fe-13Cr-3Mo-3Ni austenitizing at (a) 1000 °C, (b) 1050 °C, (c) 1100 °C followed by tempering at 700 °C, in magnification of 200X
JPEG Image - 26.2 KB - MD5: 4e4f5abd60f509440fd8fd9c665265c3
Table 1. HRC hardness loss percentage (%)
Nov 21, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Lukman, 2018, "Perkembangan Pemanfaatan dan Penelitian Ikan Bada (Rasbora argyrotaenia) di Danau Maninjau",, RIN Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:dSm4Ajd3wDEGUiPkMw3Dmw== [fileUNF]
Ikan bada (Rasbora argyrotaenia) adalah anggota famili Cyprinidae (Weber & Beuafort. 1916, Kottelat et al., 1993). Ikan bada memiliki penyebaran alami yang meliputi kawasan Thailand sampai Jepang, termasuk di pulau-pulau besar di Indonesia, seperti Jawa, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Sem...
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