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71 to 80 of 16,807 Results
Jan 9, 2020 - Prosiding Dataverse
Lestari, Puji, 2020, "Human Detection from RGB Depth Image using Active contour and Grow-cut Segmentation",, RIN Dataverse, V1
In modern Security and Surveillance technologies, the significance of human detection and segmentation becomes having much importance. In addition to security systems, image/video editing applications demand semantic segmentation of foreground objects. For such high-quality appli...
Adobe PDF - 1.3 MB - MD5: fb854cf0412bdddca103d936d914d427
Oct 8, 2019 - Prosiding Dataverse
Munawaroh, Esti; Aprilianti, Popi, 2018, "Eksplorasi Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Anggrek di Kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan, Kab. Lampung Barat, Propinsi Lampung",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is the representation of the Bukit Barisan mountainous range and has few types of vegetation, such as mangrove forest, beach forest, and tropical mountain forest in Sumatra. The national parks extends from Province of Bengkulu in north, follows...
PNG Image - 322.0 KB - MD5: 309acbeffd6fc4be59b838ff425479a3
Gambar 1 peta lokasi ekplorasi di taman nasional bukit barisan selatan
PNG Image - 159.9 KB - MD5: 8510ebb22e5c042d52784d74d1d7a997
Gambar 2 histogram keragaman marga anggrek epifit di taman nasional bukit barisan selatan
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 43.0 KB - MD5: 646596ac8cf71081def70356922c8d02
Tabel 1 Jenis anggrek yang tumbuh di Kawasan Resort Balik Bukit TNBBS Lampung Barat Lampung
Oct 4, 2019 - Prosiding Dataverse
Rahayu, Eka Martha Della; Isnaini, Yupi; Praptosuwiryo, Titien Ngatinem, 2018, "Induksi pembentukan sporofit pada massa prothallus pakis simpei (Cibotium barometz) secara in vitro",, RIN Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:Kty8zuelNwK5ZRIAvv59zA== [fileUNF]
The golden chicken fern, Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm.(Cibotiaceae), is an Indonesian tree fern with a high value as an export commodity due to its uses both for modern and traditional medicine. Its rhizomes and hairs are used as ingredients for treating liver and kidney diseases...
PNG Image - 1.2 MB - MD5: 1609d7595217ee8ef5ceb4e30ab9c85d
Data tentang perawakan kultur 4 genotipe Cibotium barometz pada media perlakuan yang diujikan 5 bulan setelah subkultur. Data berbentuk gambar dalam format .png dan bisa dibuka menggunakan aplikasi image viewer
Tabular Data - 327 B - 5 Variables, 7 Observations - UNF:6:Kty8zuelNwK5ZRIAvv59zA==
Data tentang pembentukan sporofit 4 genotipe Cibotium barometz pada media perlakuan yang diujikan 5 bulan setelah subkultur. Data berbentuk tabel dalam format .xlsx dan bisa dibuka menggunakan aplikasi Ms. Excel minimal versi 2003
MS Word - 12.9 KB - MD5: d08761e9eb93279739dd2c681cc80abd
Data tentang Spora Cibotium barometz yang digunakan untuk kultur spora in vitro. Data berbentuk tabel dalam format .docx dan bisa dibuka menggunakan aplikasi Ms. Word minimal versi 2003
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