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3,391 to 3,400 of 3,481 Results
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Wihermanto; Handayani, Tri, 2018, "Pengaruh Naungan Terhadap Sifat Toleransi Tanaman Kecapi (Sandoricum Koetjape (Burm.F.) Merr)",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Santol tree is a plant that has the potential of local fruit which has usefulness as a medicinal plant. The objective of the research was to determine the effect of paranet shading on physiological characters of santol tree in terms of chlorophyll content. One factors namely shad...
Feb 16, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Garvita, R. Vitri; Handini, Elizabeth, 2018, "Pengaruh penambahan berbagai kadar pisang dan ubi jalar pada pertumbuhan kultur tiga jenis Phalaenopsis",, RIN Dataverse, V1
The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of organic materials on the growth of Phalaenopsis zebrina, P. javanica and P. fuscata explants without roots in Knudson's C medium with additional of coconut water. Observation were conducted for 10 months and the data were a...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Astuti, Inggit Puji; Tihurua, Eka Fatmawati; Budiharta, Sugeng, 2018, "Keanekaragaman jenis dan ekologi sirih- sirihan liar anggota suku Piperaceae di kawasan Hutan Lindung BKPH Gunung Slamet Barat dan BKPH Moga",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Piperaceae is a families plant which have habitus herb, woody climber and creeping and shrubs. In the World, these families have a member about 8 genera and 3000 species. The information about diversity and distribution of Piperaceae in Indonesia is still very limited. In Java, t...
Feb 16, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Fijridiyanto, Izu Andry; Murakami, Noriaki, 2018, "Phylogeny of Litsea (Lauraceae) Inferred from Sequences the Chloroplast Genes matK and ndhF",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Hubungan kekerabatan (filogenetik) Litsea dan marga-marga yang berdekatan (Actinodaphne, Lindera and Neolitsea) dari suku Lauraceae telah diamati dengan menggunakan data molekular. Analisis dilakukan pada sekuens nukleotida dari gen-gen kloroplas matK dan ndhF. Walaupun gen-gen i...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Fijridiyanto, Izu Andry; Hartini, Sri, 2018, "Tumbuhan paku dikawasan Gunung Gamalama, Pulau Ternate",, RIN Dataverse, V1
A study on ferns diversity in Mount Gamalama, Ternate Island was carried out. There were three habitats (nutmeg plantation areas, clove plantation areas and forest areas) with elevation up to 1500 meters above sea levels which were observed. In total 13 species of ferns (5 specie...
Feb 16, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Astuti, Inggit Puji, 2018, "Studi kasus taksonomi Citrus hystrix DC. koleksi Kebun Raya Bogor",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Leechlime or Citrus hystrix DC have been known by public was plant with specific fruit morphological character, especially with the fruit rind irregularly. In the Bogor Botanic Gardens has recorded six collection plants of leechlime which were original habitat from Central of Jav...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Wahyuni, Sri; Hidayat, Syamsul, 2018, "Pematahan dormansi biji kedawung (Parkia timoriana (DC.) Merr.) dengan larutan H2SO4",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Kedawung [Parkia timoriana (DC.) Merr.] is one of Indonesian medicinal plants which is threatened due to exploitation activities. The seed is collected for medication and its among the top ten jamu sources. Beside that, the seed is difficult to germinate, because it is very hard...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Usmadi, Didi; Wahyuni, Sri; Riswati, Melani K., 2018, "Dipterocarpaceae Potential As C02 Absorber And Carbon Storage In Bogor Botanical Gardens",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Dipterocarpaceae is one of common groups of plants found in tropical rain forests of Indonesia. The Dipterocarpaceae family is known not only as a source of major timber but also as potential absorber of carbon dioxide and carbon storage. In an attempt to determine mean annual in...
Feb 16, 2018 - Prosiding Dataverse
Sumanto; Witono, Joko R., 2018, "Kecepatan Pertumbuhan Palem (Arecaceae) Di Lapangan: Studi Kasus Di Kebun Raya Bogor",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Palem merupakan tumbuhan monokotil yang umumnya memiliki ruas batang yang jelas. Umur palem dapat diperkirakan dengan menjumlahkan periode selama biji berkecambah sampai ditanam di lapangan (ruas belum muncul) dengan periode keberadaan palem di lapangan. Kebun Raya Bogor memiliki...
Feb 16, 2018 - Artikel Jurnal Dataverse
Dodo; Wawangningrum, Hary; Putri, Winda Utami, 2018, "Perkecambahan biji Merbau (Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) O. Kuntze) berdasarkan ukuran dan lama perendaman biji dalam H2 S04",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Merbau (Intsia bijuga) is one of Fabaceae member. Member of legume is important plants in the tropical forest, but it has some problems in the germination process. Seeds of merbau is orthodox. This experiment was conducted to analyse the effect ofinteraction between seed size and...
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