1,161 to 1,170 of 1,244 Results
Feb 1, 2023 -
Replication Data for: Replication Data for: Inovasi Lada Perdu Dan Peluang Mengoptimalkan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Usahatani
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MD5: 04895dbf8712dc98e13a8f081f6ec555
Feb 1, 2023 - Pengelolaan Hama Tanaman Perkebunan Dataverse
Siswanto, Siswanto; Elna Karmawati; Muhamad Syakir, 2023, "Increasing added value of living standards on pepper growth and production towards sustainable agriculture", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/BOBNQS, RIN Dataverse, V1
In recent years, the productivity of pepper in Indonesia has decreased due to various problems in pepper farming, both on-farm and off-farm, so the contribution of Indonesian pepper to the world declined. One of the problems farmers face in cultivating pepper is the use of nonli... |
Feb 1, 2023 -
Increasing added value of living standards on pepper growth and production towards sustainable agriculture
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MD5: 7a85e7aec6b5da1d5c2ad11b72ce25ba
Feb 1, 2023 - Pengelolaan Hama Tanaman Perkebunan Dataverse
Rismayani; Rohimatun; Mardiningsih, Tri Lestari; Rizal, Molide, 2023, "Replication Data for: The potential of essential oils Eucalyptus citriodora and Artemisia vulgaris against Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/3KK69A, RIN Dataverse, V1
Medicinal plants have been developing as the main material for botanical pesticides. Many medicinal plants can be used as botanical pesticides due to their effectiveness in controlling the pest. This study aims to examine the potential of Eucalyptus citriodora and Artemisia vulga... |
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MD5: d2d26a2d22e644a469a304da5eca693d
Feb 1, 2023 - Pengelolaan Hama Tanaman Perkebunan Dataverse
Rizal, Molide; Trisilawati, Octivia; Mardiningsih, T.L.; Rohimatun; Maris, Paramita, 2023, "Replication Data for: IPM on organic estate crops: opportunities and challenge", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/YZIKMW, RIN Dataverse, V1
An obstacle in Indonesian crop estate products marketing abroad is the contamination of chemical pesticide residues and heavy metals. Implementing integrated pest management (IPM) and organic certification on estate crops are applied to meet consumer demands for healthier, qualit... |
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MD5: 60f676e2ecbce5e953891f734b194f11
Feb 1, 2023 - Pengelolaan Hama Tanaman Perkebunan Dataverse
Rusmin, Devi; Rohimatun; Adi, Eko Binnaryo Mei, 2023, "Replication Data for: DUKUNGAN TEKNOLOGI BENIH DALAM PENGEMBANGAN TANAMAN SAMBILOTO SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU OBAT HERBAL TERSTANDAR", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/SQNPUJ, RIN Dataverse, V1
Pemanfaatan tanaman sambiloto sebagai tanaman obat tradisional sudah dikenal sejak lama. Secara farmakologi tanaman ini telah terbukti berkhasiat antara lain: sebagai penurun gula darah, mempunyai efek anti bakteri, anti kanker, dan anti malaria. Efek farmakologi ini disebabkan k... |
Feb 1, 2023 -
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MD5: 97058de4031ff5205d840c4f244d90f6
Jan 31, 2023 - Pengelolaan Hama Tanaman Perkebunan Dataverse
T.L. Mardiningsih; Rohimatun, 2023, "Replication Data for: Evaluation of Persistance, Phytotoxicity, and Biosafety of Insecticide Based on Cajuput and Patchouli Oils", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/Y53VOZ, RIN Dataverse, V1
A good plant-based insecticide formula is not only effective against insect pests but also must be safe against target plants and natural enemies of the pests. The aim of the study was to evaluate the persistence of cajuput and patchouli oil formulations under sun exposure to Nil... |