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Pusat Penelitian Biologi Dataverse (Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI)
Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI adalah satuan kerja di bawah Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia yang memiliki tugas dan fungsi melaksanakan penelitian di bidang biologi. Informasi lebih lanjut akses di
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21 to 30 of 115 Results
Patogen dan Potensi Zoonosis Asal Satwa Liar Dataverse(Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
Apr 15, 2021Zoologi Dataverse
Dataverse Patogen dan Potensi Zoonosis Asal Satwa Liar
Apr 15, 2021Zoologi Dataverse
Dataverse Karakterisasi Potensi Fauna Indonesia Bagian Timur Berbasis Koleksi
P2 Biologi LIPI Covid-19 Dataverse(Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
Sep 1, 2020
Dataverse mengenai kegiatan penelitian Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI untuk fokus Covid-19
Aug 13, 2020Zoologi Dataverse
The dataverse contains the genetic data and information on Indonesian Fauna especially protected and threatened species, The project was organized by Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Aug 6, 2020 - Biosistematika dan Evolusi Mikroorganisme Dataverse
Lia Putri, Ade; Purbani, Debora Christin; Kanti, Atit, 2020, "Isolation and Identification of Actinomycetes Associated with Moss on the Surface of the Borobudur Temple Stone",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Mosses growing on the surface of the Borobudur Temple will affect the aesthetic value of the temple. Interaction between moss and actinomycetes may trigger the growth of moss that can cause an increase in biodeterioration of stone. The purpose of this study was to isolate and ide...
Ekologi Mikroorganisme Dataverse(Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
Aug 6, 2020Mikrobiologi Dataverse
Fisiologi Mikroorganisme Dataverse(Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia)
Aug 6, 2020Mikrobiologi Dataverse
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