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41 to 50 of 114 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 507.0 KB - MD5: 38fddc2a33758d919146431f691b2b6c
data jenis jamur DM
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 412.0 KB - MD5: 70ab1f82f2b78c65275abb4e6e8c7d87
data jenis jamur TB
Tabular Data - 2.3 KB - 8 Variables, 6 Observations - UNF:6:pP6Yyi6zuz1s02TU8aZPNg==
data jenis mammal DM
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 268.5 KB - MD5: 642bcde7c8208ff23d91c7767351ad0a
Data jenis ikan DM
Tabular Data - 2.7 KB - 8 Variables, 7 Observations - UNF:6:igNtFY5oCQNqS/85wEG8gw==
data jenis mammal TB
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 326.5 KB - MD5: cfbbefcf672bf4be8ad33f3016dd4c07
data jenis ikan TB
Unknown - 109.7 KB - MD5: 1b68950f71f036f7e1cf95f01dc27706
Bruguiera parviflora fasta
Unknown - 109.7 KB - MD5: 1b68950f71f036f7e1cf95f01dc27706
Bruguiera parviflora sequence data
Unknown - 109.7 KB - MD5: 1b68950f71f036f7e1cf95f01dc27706
Bruguiera parviflora sequence data
HTML - 593.3 KB - MD5: 95d93278ad464b7f18abf56e026c61cd
Quality control of Bruguiera parviflora sequence data
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