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PNG Image - 87.9 KB - MD5: f83ca9161e648751c0d618298af50e84
Tabel 11.2 Toleransi ukuran ketebalan dan diameter luar.
PNG Image - 375.8 KB - MD5: bd874f2416cf9171f6605c01c474293c
Tabel 11.3 Baja I, profil normal
PNG Image - 468.3 KB - MD5: c4cf834023a5e6d836b74d6c2f362d12
Tabel 11.4 Baja I, profil flens lebar DIL
Nov 5, 2018
N., Yusnidar M.; Fauzia, Vivi; Handoko, Djati; Lalasari, Latifa Hanum, 2018, "The influence of Sb doping on the structural, optical and electrical properties of Tin Oxide Thin Films",, RIN Dataverse, V2
Antimony (Sb) doped tin oxide (ATO) is one transparent material that has gained its popularity more recently due to their great technological importance. High transparency in the visible light, high concentration and mobility of electron makes ATO as an important material for the...
JPEG Image - 65.1 KB - MD5: 892dd6f6493e4cccd30cb537d4ae79f4
Figure 2. SEM images of the SnO2 thin film with Sb concentration of (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3 wt.%
JPEG Image - 42.6 KB - MD5: 36178a39062d337b7eeaa539198f4f83
Figure 3. Cross sectional view of the SnO2 thin film with Sb concentration of (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3 wt.%
JPEG Image - 22.2 KB - MD5: 026a736b9e34dd889ae72011d945de52
Table 1. The resistivity of SnO2 thin film with three different Sb doping concentrations
Nov 5, 2018
Lailaty, Intani Quarta; Handayani, Aisyah, 2018, "Pertumbuhan Awal Biji-biji Tanaman Asli Cagar Biosfer Cibodas, Jawa Barat yang Berpotensi sebagai Penyimpan Stok Karbon Tinggi",, RIN Dataverse, V1
Cagar Biosfer Cibodas (CBC) merupakan salah satu cagar biosfer tertua di Indonesia yang menjadi model pengelolaan kawasan berkelanjutan dalam rangka adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim. CBC meliputi beberapa tipe ekosistem, baik ekosistem alami berupa kawasan Taman Nasional Gun...
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