591 to 600 of 4,316 Results
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MD5: 6e14147e33796dc6ff5d847d7428ed65
Nov 5, 2018
Prasetyo, Agus Budi; Mayangsari, Wahyu; Lindasari, 2018, "Proses Kalsinasi Terhadap Bijih Nikel Laterit Jenis Limonit Pada Temperatur 600 OC, 800 OC dan 1000 OC", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/RIEAVT, RIN Dataverse, V2
Telah dilakukan karakterisasi terhadap bijih nikel laterit jenis limonit hasil kalsinasi pada temperatur 600oC, 800oC dan 100oC. Bijih nikel limonit terlebih dahulu di oven untuk menghilangkan air yang masih terkandung didalam bijih. Tahap selanjutnya yaitu digerus menjadi serbuk... |
Nov 5, 2018 -
Proses Kalsinasi Terhadap Bijih Nikel Laterit Jenis Limonit Pada Temperatur 600 OC, 800 OC dan 1000 OC
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MD5: d119b7adfca75adef64c9791d1474119
Gambar 2. a) Analisis SEM terhadap Raw Sampel b) Maping terhadap Raw Sampel |
Nov 5, 2018 -
Proses Kalsinasi Terhadap Bijih Nikel Laterit Jenis Limonit Pada Temperatur 600 OC, 800 OC dan 1000 OC
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MD5: 404435f16d7cf424bf368b5a9268e15a
Gambar 4. Analisis SEM Bijih Limonit a) Raw Sampel, b) Sampel Hasil Kalsinasi 600oC, c) Sampel Hasil
kalsinasi 800oC, d) Sampel Hasil Kalsinasi 1000oC |
Nov 5, 2018 -
Proses Kalsinasi Terhadap Bijih Nikel Laterit Jenis Limonit Pada Temperatur 600 OC, 800 OC dan 1000 OC
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MD5: 4d0277dee4be21b12f61a2e602f99683
Gambar 5. Maping Bijih Limonit a) Raw sampel, b) Sampel Hasil Kalsinasi 600oC, c)
Sampel Hasil kalsinasi 800oC, d) Sampel Hasil Kalsinasi 1000oC |
Nov 5, 2018
Mayangsari, Wahyu; Prasetyo, Agus Budi, 2018, "Phase Transformation of Limonite Nickel Ores with Na2SO4 Addition in Selective Reduction Process", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12690/RIN/VQUTZN, RIN Dataverse, V2
This study aims to observe the transformations, both mineralogy and morphology oflimonite nickel ore with coal as reducing agent and Na2SO4 as an additive in the selectivereduction processes. A series of selective reduction processes were carried out at varioustemperatures in Car... |
Nov 5, 2018 -
Phase Transformation of Limonite Nickel Ores with Na2SO4 Addition in Selective Reduction Process
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MD5: 8716c5056b9bb236c588bcd6ee522f34
Figure 5. SEM-EDS images of limonite nickel ore (a), and reduced ore for 1 hour of limonite nickel ore (b) at 300 ºC, (c) at 600 ºC, (d) at 800 ºC, (e) at 900 ºC, (f) at 1000 ºC, (g) at 1100 ºC |
Nov 5, 2018 -
Phase Transformation of Limonite Nickel Ores with Na2SO4 Addition in Selective Reduction Process
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MD5: 73520f07d696b1e186170d4ae8c8242a
atom, (d) mapping for Ni atom, (e) mapping for Si atom, (f) mapping for S atom |
Nov 5, 2018 -
Phase Transformation of Limonite Nickel Ores with Na2SO4 Addition in Selective Reduction Process
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MD5: da40faec59992f68b74bf0802f546005
Table 1. Composition of raw limonite nickel ore.JPG |
Nov 5, 2018 -
Phase Transformation of Limonite Nickel Ores with Na2SO4 Addition in Selective Reduction Process
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MD5: b770b676253fbf70d95991b04ad1b004
Table 2. Composition of reduced ore at 1000 ºC based on EDS result |