CT images of nest-gallery system in Spruce B timber. (a) A 2D cross-sectional image; (b) a 2D
radial image, indicated that the nest-gallery has been extensively excavated throughout the sapwood (S)
and heartwood (H); (c) a 2D tangential image, taken from the sapwood part on the opposite surface of
the entrance hole; and (d) a close-up view of the entrance hole. Termite presence is indicated by an
uncolored area inside the nest-gallery in the 3D image or a yellow circular shape in the 2D tangential
image. In 2D CT images, the gray value of a pixel corresponds to an index of density: the lighter the
color, the denser the area. Springwood and summerwood are indicated by the darker and lighter colors
in the images, respectively. The arrow axis represents the longitudinal (L), radial (R), and tangential (T)
section of the timber. S, sapwood, H, heartwood. |