Anatomical selectivity of nest-gallery excavation in Timber B. a 3D CT images of a piece of Sugi
log timber and the nest-gallery inside the timber demonstrate how the nest-gallery was excavated to avoid
the crack and follow the annual growth ring; b 2D cross-sectional image presents selective excavation of
chambers and tunnel-galleries on the springwood; c 2D tangential section image reveals that the
excavation of the nest-gallery in the axial direction also followed the anatomical texture of the wood,
avoiding knots and summerwood. In the 2D images, the gray value of a pixel corresponds to a density
index: the lighter the color, the denser the area. C chamber, T tunnel-galleries, P fecal pellets, K knot.
Springwood and summerwood are indicated by the darker and lighter colors in the 2D CT images,
respectively (color figure online) |