Fig. 5 a NMDS plot of macrobenthic community composition based on abundance data (4th root transformed) at the transects C24 and E16 between May 2004 and May 2006. Each symbol indicates the community composition of one sampling occasion. Numbers refer to the sampling period, 1 May–October 2004, 2 November 2004–April 2005, 3 May–October 2005, 4 November 2005–April 2006, 5 May 2006. The solid lines include communities with a similarity of at least 30% (calculated with PRIMER Cluster analysis using group average mode). b–f The same NMDS plot of macrobenthic community composition at C24 (C) and E16 (E) is presented. Superimposed as bubble plots are the densities per square metre of (b) Phascolosama arcuatum,( c) Cerithidea cingulata,( d) Capitellidae, (e) Neritina violacea, and (f) Cerithedea weyersi |